Overlap of the Ages

Time for contemplation has come rarely this year, and little contemplation time means little fodder for witty blog posts.  But this season affords for a few moments of contemplative reflection - so here we go...

When I was a younger man, I thought that perhaps there could be a concept that, if it were carefully engineered and if it were presented just right, would take the world by storm.  Perhaps the field of politics would produce.  Maybe education would enlighten.  Surely religion would rectify, right?

And of course, the reality is that all these and more contribute to our diverse and interesting planet. 

But the older I get, the less faith I have in any of these fields, and the more hope I have in the singular event that will change everything.  This event holds the potential to so radically change our politics, so thoroughly educate us and so radically satisfy our religious yearnings - we won't know what hit us when it happens.

Wouldn't it be awesome if today was the day?
"He who testifies to these things says, 'Yes, I am coming quickly.'  Amen.  Come, Lord Jesus."  - Revelation 2:20

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