What a challenge - cutting this thing into small enough chunks that they can digest! Heather suggested supplementary videos on the website to give the students more detail over a longer period of time. Great idea Heather - I'm gonna do it....
I've been focusing on the postmodern mindset today. I think I'll use Bittersweet Symphony as one example of the despair and downward spiral that a shapeless view of history can lead to.
Fun stuff!
Hey Sounds great!! I cant wait to hear some of the conversations that you are having. You are really impacting a generation with these types of conversations! Good Luck!
Thanks Dustin! We'll see about the overall impact - so far I've only had a few interesting discussions with leadership folks that touched on the teleological perspective.
Next week I should get a shot at some of our students - we'll see if this stuff can be taught to teenagers...
You guys might remember to pray for our teens - that God would open their hearts and minds to a newer and more productive way of thinking about Him and the past, present and future for the whole world.
I'll post reactions next week!
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